
User Guide

Duke is a desktop app for managing tasks, using both Command Line Interface (CLI) and Graphical User Interface (GUI), so that you can have a better user experience when interacting with the bot named Meimei. If your prefer typing with only a few easy to remember commands, Duke is an easy-to-use GUI for you to have an overview of all your daily tasks.


Words in UPPER_CASE are the parameters to be supplied by the user. i.e. todo DESCRIPTION, DESCRIPTION is a parameter to describe a todo task.

todo - Adding a Todo

Adds a Todo task into the list of tasks, marked as undone by default.

Format: todo DESCRIPTION

Example of usage:

Expected outcome:

event - Adding an Event

Adds an Event task into the list of tasks, marked as undone by default.

Format: event DESCRIPTION /at DATE

Example of usage:

Expected outcome:

deadline - Adding a Deadline

Adds a Deadline task into the list of tasks, marked as undone by default.

Format: deadline DESCRIPTION /by DATE

Example of usage:

Expected outcome:

list - List of all tasks

Lists all the tasks.

Format: list

find - Finding task(s) by keyword

Finds any task(s) containing the keyword.

Format: find KEYWORD

Example of usage:

Expected outcome:

Using examples from above, these are the tasks that will be returned.

done - Marking a task as done

Marks a task in the list as done.

Format: done INDEX

Example of usage:

Expected outcome:

Using examples from above in find.

delete - Deleting a specific task

Deletes a specific task in the list.

Format: delete INDEX

Example of usage:

Expected outcome:

Given a list of 2 items

  1. [D][x] return book (by: Dec 05 2020)
  2. [E][x] return book (at: Dec 01 2020)

delete 1


  1. [E][x] return book (at: Dec 01 2020)

prioritise - Prioritising a task

Prioritize a task in the list at a specific index.

Format: prioritise 1

Example of usage:

Expected outcome:

bye - Exiting the app

Exits the app.

Format: bye

Summary of Features

Command Example of usage
todo todo BORROW BOOK
event event RETURN BOOK /at 2020-12-01
deadline deadline RETURN BOOK /by 2020-12-05
list list
find find exercise where the list has 2 or more items.
delete delete 1 where the list has 1 or more items.
prioritise prioritise 2 where the list has 2 or more items.